
Ultrathin Guard

  • This thin custom guard is great for people who grind their teeth or clench them during the day and also be used as a retainer for patients who have just completed orthodontic treatment and/or are in need of a replacement retainer.

  • The Ultrathin Guard is made from a thermoplastic material Essix Plus (94%-100% Co-polyester with 0.0%-6% proprietary additive) that is ultra-thin yet strong and durable enough to withstand light grinding and clenching jaws during sleep. It is lightweight, which makes it pleasant to wear and unobtrusive. Additionally, you may communicate freely while wearing this Ultrathin guard. The Ultrathin Guard is crystal clear, making it ideal if you need daytime bruxism protection or even as a retainer. 

  • The Ultrathin guard can be worn for up to two years, depending on the severity of teeth grinding.

***Please note that if you have TMJ condition or signs of TMJ disorder, we DO NOT suggest obtaining a tooth guard online. Kindly make an appointment with your dentist. For further information, please visit this post comparing a bruxism night guard to a TMJ mouth guard.


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